The University Scholars program has been an excellent addition to my education here at NC State. I enjoy how much they focus on being a well-rounded student, versed in every thing from politics to the arts, and the emphasis they place on being up-to-date in current news. As a University Scholars student, there are certain expectations the program places for its students to graduate as a University Scholar. You must complete three Scholars Forums with a grade of “satisfactory” before you graduate, have at least 15 hours of “honors” course work completed with a grade of B- or better, and graduate with cumulative GPA of 3.25 or higher. Although the Scholars program asks what seems like a lot from its’ students, they also provide you with advantages you may not be able to get elsewhere. For example, Scholars students can register for classes earlier than most students, as well as they offer a Scholars lounge in Sullivan residence hall for only Scholars students to use, free daily newspapers, and a living environment that puts an emphasis on academic success. The University Scholars program also works closely with the WISE program, so don’t feel that you can’t do both. The University Scholars program has been a wonderful experience here at State, and I recommend all students to think about participating in this wonderful program.
Posted By: Lauren Hysong
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
University Scholars Program
getting involved