The Women in Science and Engineering living and learning village is located on the 7th, 8th, and 9th floors of Lee Hall on campus. The WISE Village is a great opportunity for female students in the sciences and engineering to network with other students in their majors. WISE offers a great many opportunities that you could not find elsewhere, such as mentors. The mentors are sophomores who lived in the WISE Village the year before and want to share their positive experience with others, as well as tutor twice a week for students in classically challenging classes. WISE also provides female speakers who have succeeded in male-dominated careers, and also fun social events to help unwind. As a WISE alumnus, I can honestly say that being in the WISE Village was a very positive experience, and I would not have been able to meet many of my closest friends had it not been for the WISE Village.
Posted by: Lauren Hysong
WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) is a living/learning village for freshman and sophomore women majoring in science and engineering. It is a great way to get involved first thing when you start here at NC State. You will meet a great group of women who share similar interests and goals. Many of the girls are also in your classes and you will become very close with your suite mates and other girls in the program. Being involved in WISE also allows you to hear presentations from professors as well as from different professionals. It is a great program to help you build connections and start networking!
Posted by: Karen Payne